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Thursday 24 March 2011

Stock Photos Posted

Phew! Finally all my stock photos were being uploaded successfully. I used to post photos in my Facebook account but I never thought of blogging. I find it rather hard to write as I am a person without much words. I am not very good in expressing myself. Owing to friends' requests, I have promised them to put up a blog so that they can refer to the menu. I can only post simple home cooked dishes, 有妈妈和祖母的味道。When the mood is right, I will cook up a storm in the kitchen.

I have yet to write much but I will definitely fill up the blanks in all dishes. It is very time consuming to write.

If you were to follow my blog closely, you may find some useful kitchen tips too!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Purple Potato Red Rice Barley Porridge 紫薯红米薏仁粥

I just learnt that unpolished rice (糙米) is heaty. Therefore when I decided to make red rice porridge, I added the cooling agent such as barley. I bought the purple sweet potatoes from the wet market. Bear in mind that there are two types of barley, raw and roasted (生熟薏米).

This porridge could be taken sweet or savoury. I added a pinch of salt and it went well with my other dishes. A hearty meal.

Thai Mango Salad 泰式芒果沙律

My buddy brought me some green mangoes the other day and I decided to make them into kerabu mango aka mango salad. The only ingredient that I left out was the Chinese parsley. I didn't have it in my fridge. I used crispy dried shrimps and some pork floss in this dish but they can be substituted by crispy anchovies, roasted white sesame or peanuts. The most important ingredient in Thai dishes is the fish sauce.

Thai Appetiser Mieang Kham 泰式开胃前菜

Broccoli with Scallops & Lily Bulbs 带子百合西兰花

Braised Abalone, Sea Cucumber, Fish Maw & Shiitake Mushrooms 鲍鱼海参鱼鳔焖冬菇

Dried Oysters Wrapped in Batang Fish Paste 包您发财

Lo Han Zhai 罗汉斋

Taupoks with Leeks & Chinese Cabbage 大白菜蒜焖豆卜

Stir Fried Leeks with Waxed Sausages 蒜炒腊肠

Braised Leeks, Arrowroots & Roasted Pork in Red Fermented Beancurd 南乳茨/芽菇蒜焖烧肉

Steamed Hairy Gourd / Fuzzy Melon with Waxed Sausages 节/毛瓜蒸腊肠(富贵花开)

Treasure Tray/Pot 聚宝盆(盆菜)

Vegetarian Treasure Pot 素聚宝盆

Braised Shiitake Mushrooms with Sea Cucumber 海参焖冬菇

Braised Shiitake Mushrooms 素焖冬菇

Spicy Chicken Feet 香辣鸡脚

Thursday 17 March 2011

Asparagus with Buna Shimeiji Mushrooms 蟹肉菇芦笋

Vegetarian Year Dish 素年菜

Steamed Pumpkin 素蒸南瓜

Braised Giant Mushrooms with Ginkgo & Chard 银杏富贵菜焖大花菇

Vegetarian Stuffed Taupoks with Kale 禾雀归巢

Celery with Mock Smoked Duck 西芹素烟熏鸭

Mixed Vegetables with Giant Mushrooms 什锦全菇烩

Asparagus with Scallops 带子芦笋

Di-Broccoli with Pacific Clams 珍珠鲍双色椰菜花

Mixed Vegetables with Mock Meat Balls 素肉丸什锦菜

Tri-colour Capsicums, Lily Bulbs & Beancurd Skin 百合三色椒面筋

Nai Bai with Beancurd Slices & Buna Shimeiji Mushrooms 蟹肉菇豆包奶白

French Beans with Lily Bulbs 百合四季豆

Broccoli with Bunapi Shimeiji Mushrooms & Bamboo Fungus (Long Net Stinkhorn) 竹笙白玉菇西兰花

French Beans with Buna Shimeiji Mushrooms 蟹肉菇四季豆

Mock Chili Prawns 素辣椒虾(椰菜花)

Nagaimo with Little Black Fungus 云耳山药

Mock Sharkfins Fried Egg 普天同庆(素桂花翅)

Burdock Salad 牛蒡沙律

Cauliflower with Mock Chicken Meat 素鸡椰菜花